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Hello, is it us you’re looking for?

This is our first blog post here and I made it to my challenge to write our first (also my first) and hopefully the one and only non technical article in this blog. 😀

We are two guys, Daniel and Christoph, sharing our knowledge, daily challenges and experiences with you in this blog from now on. We are both in the mid 20s, Swabian native speakers, doing some cool and fancy stuff at work – and also after work.

We are both consultants for Cybersecurity & Compliance with the main focus on Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365. But we are also aware of hybrid. But we like the Cloud more. We are working together in a lot of projects to create great solutions.

We don’t have a 100% focus on one dedicated topic in this blog. But the main area of all posts will be the Microsoft Cloud and everything around it. We will share our experiences and knowledge, which you will probably not find in the Microsoft Documentation. We won’t talk about marketing stuff of products or fancy technologies which are popping out. Our goal is it to write technical articles, which help people in their daily business.

We want to be in your bookmarks!

Consuela on the phone - No No No Marketing
Start with a joke they said.

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